Lethal Company
- Run R2ModManager
- Download, install, then run the mod manager r2modman
- Profile selection "Import/Update"
- Import new profile
- How are you importing a profile? "From Code"
- Enter the profile code
- Give the profile a name, example: Haddy Mods
- From the profile selection click "Haddy Mods" then "Select profile"
- From the r2modman Lethal Company dialogue, select "Start modded"
- Launch Mode "Online"
- If you had Hadronna as a Steam friend:
- [Shift+Tab] should get you into Steam
- click the friends icon
- right click on the person hosting (Hadronna) and select join game
- Otherwise you will need the join code link:
- While Lethal Company is running - change to your web browser [Alt+Tab]
- Copy the steam://joinlobby link, paste into browser URL bar and tap enter
- "Open the steam link with the Steam Client Bootstrapper?" > "Open Link"